Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Abismo de pasión #2 3/13/12

Four Fine Families of La Ermita


Once upon a time, about 20 years ago, in a place called La Ermita, Yucatan, there lived four families; each with an adorable child.

The families had different backgrounds; one, the Arango, lived on an estate in a wine red house with white trim. They were in the business of hot sauce, and providing the burning condiment for discerning palates around the world had made them very rich indeed. The son of the family was called Damian, and he was a handsome and privileged young man. In his household were a maid, Antonia, his father Rosendo and his mommy, Alfonsina. Sadly, Damian was not always happy in his beautiful home—his Dad and Mom were always fighting.

Alfonsina had a brother, a fine man and a priest, who took in an abandoned child of about the same age as Damian. The good father, who was called Guadalupe, loved the boy, Gael, as if he were his own son. But the child Gael was not entirely happy because he felt keenly the lack of a loving mother and father, even though he loved the priest dearly.

The third family consisted of the dark eyed little Paloma Gonzalez and Ramona Gonzalez, her abuela, the local curandera, who healed and blessed the good people of La Ermita with herbs, and potions and teas. Abuela Ramona was not a witch, but sometimes she was referred to as one. The use of this epithet against Sra Gonzalez made her lovely granddaughter Paloma very sad and gave lie to the old saw, “Sticks and stones might break my bones but names will never hurt me.”

The forth family were the Castañon. Augusto, the father was an agriculturist, who did very well for his family—they lived in some comfort. His was married to the most beautiful woman in town, Estefania, and they had a lovely and charming daughter, Elisa, who was friends with the other three children, Damian, Gael and Paloma. Elisa’s tia, Carmina, also lived in their household. Elisa loved her father and mother and was a happy little girl.

Now the four families of La Ermita did not always divide as neatly as was just laid out by your recapper. And in tonight’s episode the adults of this story will mix it up in interesting ways.

At the Blue Lust Nest

Paunchy papa Rosendo Arango rides up on a beautiful horse to a modest blue house that appears to be in the country. He opens the door but it takes a minute before he spies the Tangelo-ho, Carmina. (You will remember her as the copper colored female guest who left last night’s dinner party somewhat abruptly.) He is breathless when he says to her, “Por un momento pense que no estabas aqui. I was dying to see you.”   They embrace passionately as they discuss the failed dinner party. He complains that Carmina—whom I will henceforth refer to as Orangina—was mean to him last night. “¿Really?, she ekes out between hot, sloppy kisses. “I have to keep up appearances for my sister and her husband Augusto” (Mr. Black-Glasses). “And your WIFE Alfonsina.”  Orangina then tells the hilarious story of her sister, Estefania making a special trip the day before to Rosendo’s Hot Sauce company to get some extra-special habeneros to make a sauce. Har-de-har-har, she was there and she could have caught us kissing.  But this is old news to Rosendo, Alfosina already told him. Orangina seems to find the whole thing a lot funnier than Rosendo. It is possible that somebody here gets off on the risk of being caught? Now she tells him that HIS wife Alfonsina's suspicions could work to her advantage because if Alfonsina thinks he is lovers with her sister, then she and Paunchy Papa Rosendo have more freedom to meet.

At the Hot Sauce Processing Company

The name of Rosendo’s Hot Sauce company is ‘La Anita’. We know this because it is written on the side of a truck filled with boxes of hot sauce that is sitting outside the plant. Several guys are talking about a broken truck that one guy is fixing.  The engine is making a strange noise. The driver is called Braulio and he seems worried about the noise and the truck’s safety, even though the vehicle is supposed to be new. The rude and greasy foreman (Gabino) whom we met yesterday is rude and greasy to an old guy who also works at the business. The old guy think the POS truck is not new just repainted. He thinks they should keep it off the road but Rude and Greasy Gabino orders Braulio to take the truck on the highway to the Merida airport at once—What would Rosendo say if they lose business because this shipment does not make the plane!

At the Castañon house

Beautiful Estefania brings husband Augusto the Glasses Guy breakfast. He slept in and he wonders where her sister Carmina is. Estefania says everybody got up early today but him. Augusto is cranky about Carmina, Stef’s older sister not being there, he is the boss of the family, blah, blah,blah. Frankly, he looks cranky and insecure, period.

Another scene at the Blue Lust Nest

Orangina and Rosendo the Paunchy trade sweet-nothings as he gets dressed for work. “No te vayas,” . No, he has to go to work. “Do you love me?” she wheedles. You know that you make me crazy responds Rosendo. You are unlike any woman I have ever known.” I call that a non-answer from a guy who still wants to get laid. He asks her what she feels for him. (Yawn.) She now returns her non-answer, If she did not feel for him would she be sneaking around like this? He sighs, Yes, sooner or later he will have to confront Alfonsina. She pleads for a last quickie with, “Rapido, por favor.” Now he is really late for work.

La Anita, the Hot Sauce Plant

Well chickens do come home to roost, and at the Plant we get the bad news that poor Braulio has been in an accident because the truck engine stopped right in the middle of the freeway. Old guy Lucio yells at Gabino for pushing Braulio to get the shipment to the airport.

He orders the secretary, Mara, to get Rosendo on the phone even if he has to call him at home.

At the Arango Estate

Alfonsina gets a call from Mara asking for Rosendo just as she is in a meeting with some chatty charity woman about working on an upcoming fundraiser committee. Estefania’s name is mentioned as also working on the event when the phone rings. It’s Mara from the office and she is looking for Rosendo who is NOT at work. A suspicious Alfonsina calls the Castaño house to see if Estefania is home. She is not. But it is not what you think…

At Padre Lupe’s lovely church

Estefania has gone to see the Padre to ask him to say a mass tomorrow on the anniversary of her father’s death. Padre ‘Lupe is surprised as he knows that Estef is a convert to Catholicism and that her father was not Catholic. She explains that she is from Europe and her father, she, and her sister were raised in a place with no teaching about the Catholic faith but that Augusto, with his love, has made her believe in God.

Estefania inquires about his sister Alfonsina’s health, noting that Alfonsina left the dinner party last night because she was unwell. Padre Lupe Lopez, in a not very tactful response, says that Alfonsina’s health is perfectly fine but she has her own phantoms.

Three cute kids, baby birds and a curandera
Finally we are back to the three cute kids—Gael, Damian, and Elisa—and the birds they found yesterday. They have the birds in a box. They decide to take to the baby birds to the curandera so they can be well. They almost there, they only have to cross the lagoon.
Gael is concerned about getting in trouble. He thinks it's better for them go back, because if Father Lopez finds out that I came here without his permission, this time he’ll have a real problem.
Elisa says, “ We can't go back; it's just that I don't want the birds to die.” Gael suggests he could take them back to the tree.
Damian teases Gael that the problem is that he is afraid that the witch Ramona will turn him into a toad for having thrown mud on her granddaughter. Gael claims he’s not afraid and the kids continue on their scary trip to the curandera’s casa.
At La Anita Hot Sauce Plant
Everyone is looking for Rosendo. Alfonsina has called work looking for him, and old guy Lucio is bugging Greasy Gabino about where Rosendo might be. Gabino thinks he knows but he wants to go alone to look for Rosendo. (They should call us. Half of viewer Ville saw him get pulled down under for another boink with Orangina).

The kids meet the Curandera Ramona

Three kids cautiously approach the curandera’s casita deep in the woods. As they creep up they tease each other about who will knock on the door, and, when no one answers they enter. The little house is tiny but spotless, with bunches or herbs drying and hanging from the rafters.

They are just looking around, wide-eyed when Ramona comes in and gruffly asks them what they are doing? Elisa replies that they brought some birds that lost their mother and we don't want them to die. Damian says he came for an amulet. Ramona asks Gael what he wants and when he claims he just accompanied the other kids she tells him to wait outside. Ramona tells her that
Elisa will have to leave the birds so that Ramona can feed them until they grow up, but it will cost the kids 100 pesos. The kids don’t have that much money with them. She asks Damian about what kind of amulet he wants. (Honestly, this is so cute , I cannot stand it.) Damian tells her he wants an amulet so that two people love each other a lot.
Ramona seems surprised and comments that he is very young to be thinking about love. Damian corrects her and says the amulet is not for him, but for some grown-ups. Ramona seems to know who Damian is and she asks “You're Rosendo Arango's son, right? “Si.” Then she gives him the amulets and says to make sure that each person wears one of the necklaces. This will cost another 100 pesos. The kids promise to pay the money tomorrow and she tells them that they must or the birds (who are sort of hostages) will die. The kids agree and scamper away. And that adventure is one I think they might remember all their lives.
From the sublime to the ridiculous, we are back at the Blue Lustnest
Gabino knocks on the door. At first Orangina and Rosendo think about hiding but Rosendo opens the door angrily. ‘What are you doing here Gabino?” he demands. Gabino apologizes but explains that they have an emergency at work. Braulio has been in an accident in the new truck.

Orangina complains that she doesn’t like Gabino and doesn’t like him bothering them at the LustNest. But Rosendo tells her that Gabino the Greasy has his full confidence. Rosendo hurries out of the house and is seen by the three kids who are on their way home from Ramona’s. Oopsie.

Damian yells at his Dad, he was going to remind Rosendo that he promised to take Damian riding. But Rosendo doesn’t hear his son and rides away. The other two kids make tracks for their respective homes.

Alfonsina spreads La Plaga

Alfonsina makes a quick trip over to see Augusto at the habanero farm. She sort of apologizes for her behavior of the night before and then immediately asks if Augusto knows Estefania’s whereabouts. He doesn’t, and Alfonsina spews her foot-in-mouth disease all over Augusto. Yep, it turns out that no one can find Rosendo either; he has been missing all day. Way to plant a weed, Alfonsina. It’s only day 2 of this novela and I already have no time for Alfonsina.

Back at the Blue Lovenest, Damian corners Orangina as she leaves the house. Damian asks her why she was with his father and what were you doing with him? Orangina replies sharply, “Damián, no seas menso, ¿sí? Ya te dije que tu papá no, no estaba aquí.” (Damian, don’t be a fool, OK? Already I told you that your father was not here.) Damian insists that he saw his father and he recognized his father’s horse. He knows his father’s horse. Orangina says that he must be mistaken. There are many similar horses in the village. RIIIIGHT. Just try to tell that to a kid who grew up around horses. She reminds him not to repeat what he thinks he saw. A friend of hers lives there in the blue house with his family.

Having finally arrived at the La Anita company at the crack of 12:00 noon, Rosendo the Hotsauce honcho is being filled in on the day’s events. How is Braulio? At the clinic for the day but OK. How did a new truck come to break down in the middle of the freeway? Old guy implies that Gabino Mendoza bought the truck and Gabino Mendoza is not to be trusted.  The accident is his fault. Old guy thinks he bought an old truck, not a new one, had it painted and pocketed the difference. He warns Rosendo that he needs to control Gabino.

Castañon House

Back at the home Elisa gets a scolding from her mom Estefania for being dirty and having wet feet. She admits she was playing at the cenote but says her friends were taking care of her. Just then Augusto walks in with a stormy face and starts a fight with Estefania. It is not Elisa’s fault, Estef should have been taking better are of her. Where has she been? Asking for the death mass for her father. And on it goes. Carmina Orangina enters and eggs on the fight. Finally he spews out the plaga that Alfonsina has been spreading, that she and Rosenda are lovers!

Estefania leaves and takes Elisa with her. She goes to the house of Elisa’s godmother, who is fitting Elisa for a dress. Elena talks Estefania down by reminding her of how much Augusto loves her.

A few loose ends

-At the processing plant, Greasy Gabino gets his butt chewed by Rosendo.
-On the street Gael runs into Paloma who hits him with a mud pie in retribution for him throwing mud at her the previous day. He apologizes and asks her not to have her grandmother throw a spell on him. Gael goes home and spends some quality time with Father Lupe.
-Elisa tells her mom that she doesn’t like her mom and dad to fight like Damian’s parents.  Estefania assures Elisa that she and Augusto love each other very much and that everything will be OK.
-Darling Paloma meets Elisa on the street and offers her some pan dulce. They introduce themselves and smile.
-Damian talks to his Mom who is feeling better. He gives her the amulet and tells her he has a matching one for his dad. She warns him that Dad may be working late and not be able to keep his promise about taking Damian riding. Damian asks Alfonsina who lives in the blue house on the edge of the village. Today he thought he saw his father coming out of it.
-Elisa catches her Tia Orangina spraying around her mother’s perfume. Tia accuses Elisa of spying.

And in the final scene of this episode…

Father Lupe comes into the Hot Sauce Company and says he needs to see Rosendo, no matter what. Mara the secretary suggests that he wait in Rosendo’s office as they are all waiting for him to return to the office after Braulio’s earlier accident. Padre turns off the lights and waits in the dark, sitting in Rosendo’s chair. Just then, someone, a woman, sneaks into the room and places her hands over Padre ‘Lupe’s eyes, thinking she is surprising Rosendo. But Padre Lupe recognizes her voice grabs her arm as she tries to get away. His clerical collar pops right on open. Huh!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #55 Tuesday 3/13/12 Too many Gustavitos and too much endless complaining

La que no podía amar, Cap 55, March 13, 2012
Too many Gustavitos and too much endless complaining.

This recap will be fully baked sometime in the AM, but I wanted to get a placeholder up here with a brief overview. Plus a gratuitous Jorge Salinas screenshot. [UPDATE: RECAP IS FINALLY DONE!]

Rohell reacting to one of the many times that Cupcake goes into his office to complain and tell him how much she hates him. This happens throughout the episode. Lather, rinse, repeat.


* Rohell gives Cupcake a copy of the contract; not only does it say that for every day she's gone, 10 days will be added to her sentence (we already knew about this) — it also says that if he feels like it, he can extend the contract as long as he pays her extra (double, triple, whatever). Cupcake freaks out over this and rips him a new one.

* Cupcake spends a lot of time telling Rohell how much she hates him, ripping him a new one every ten minutes, blah blah blah.

* Rohell is stubborn and patient simultaneously. For a guy who likes to wallow in self-pity, he seems pretty confident that eventually he'll wear her down . . . errr, win her over. He uses sad puppydog eyes on her and tells her he loves her, she's changing him, it won't happen overnight but he's trying, blah blah blah. She gives him these impatient petulant schoolgirl sighs and disdainful sidewards glances in return.

* Rohell tells Maria how he will win over Cupcake, but her constant anger and insults are hard to bear.  He's in it for the long haul, blah blah.

* Rohell is a douche to poor Consuelo. I know it's probably a small point in the night's episode, but it bothered me. Rohell is looking for Gustavo's business card on his desk, Consuelo is unfortunate enough to be there, he asks her to help him look, and when she can't do it fast enough/read his mind, he snaps his whip on his desk and tells her she's useless. She runs away crying. YOU ARE A DOUCHE, ROHELL. Well, fortunately Cupcake walked in at that moment and told him essentially the same thing. Good for her, I say.

* Consuelo runs out and runs into Miguel, who is sober. He is charming to her and you can see that they're going to form a friendship. Miguel apologizes for his whole slashing wrists thing earlier.

* Rohell complains that there are two Gustavos annoying him right now: Sinthia's Gustavo, and Cupcake's former novio, Gustavo. "All these Gustavitos are causing me trouble!" he declares. I thought that was funny. I think I may have to call Gustavo "Gustavito" from now on.

* Sinthia, David, and Vainessa agree to make Rohell's (and Cupcake's) life more miserable. Sinthia defies Rohell and won't return home when he snaps his fingers. He vows to go after her.

* Things are getting more friendly between Gus and Sinthia.

* Ernesto declares his intention to marry Mersnotty ASAP. Unfortunately his little snot of a daughter doesn't like Mersnotty.

* Skelator (Bruno) and Tia plot and plan. There's a clause in the contract that says Tia can act as power of attorney (sort of?) for Cupcake, but they need to get Cupcake to agree to it. If Tia has power of attorney, she can extend Rohell's contract for Cupcake.

* David tells Rohell that he sold the beachfront land to someone else. He tries to say that it's just that someone else offered more money, but Rohell knows it's because David wanted to p*ss off  Rohell. David reminds Rohell that they've had business earlier, like when David said that Miguel stole the truck, because Rohell asked him to. Uh-oh!

LONGER RECAP (finally completed)

We resume with Rohell giving Cupcake a copy of the contract, so she'll know he's on the level. Ominous music plays as the contract changes hands.

We also resume with the little spat between David, Gustavito, and Sinthia. Sinthia manages to break apart David's and Gustavito's fisticuffs and sends David on his way. She apologizes to Gustavito and explains that David isn't taking rejection well. Gustavito vows to not let that jerk bother her anymore and they hug.

Back in Rohell's office, he's explaining that he wants her to know exactly what the contract says, even though, he reminds her, he's offered her the contract before, and she either didn't read it or tore it up. "We're going to be together here for many months—not as long as I'd like" and then he says he hopes they'll learn to get along (or something like that) in the time left.

Rohell offers her the contract AGAIN.

Maybe this time she'll, you know, actually read it? Dare we hope?

As she leaves the office after telling him she'll look at the contract, he has a dejected, barren look on his face.

He sighs and does his trademark sad puppydog eyes thing.

Back at Vain's house, David approaches Effer and offers to pay him something to keep an eye on Sinthia. David assumes that Effer's interest in Sinthia is mostly due to Rohell being overprotective and sending Effer to be Sin's watchdog. Effer asks, what does David want him to do?

No puedo creer. Our little Cupcake STILL does not read the freakin' contract! She hands it over to Bruno to read first. Now granted, I don't think Bruno is going to pull a fast one on her, but isn't she at least a little bit curious to see it herself first? What is her malfunction?

Cupcake hands over a copy of the contract to Bruno, who is amazed that Rohell let her see it (again). He's eager to pore over it and she asks him to look for any possible loophole so she can escape Rohell's company sooner than the expected six months.

Bruno, forever trying to poison the Cupcake against Rohell, says that Rohell's gesture of handing over the contract must have some ulterior motive—Rohell never does anything without some hidden agenda. Cupcake says that Rohell claims he did it just so she'd know he was sincere and wasn't hiding anything. Bruno tries to plant the seed of doubt in her mind.

Cupcake wants Bruno to look for some sort of clause or loophole that will get her outta there sooner. She still has hopes of getting Gustavito back. (Like, why? So he can dump her again the minute she doesn't live up to his super-high standards? Just saying.) She realizes that as time passes, her chances of nabbing the Guscake diminish, as he'll be more apt to move on. (Newsflash, HE ALREADY IS!! LOL.) Bruno feigns interest and says that if she'll be happy with the Gustavito, he'll be happy for her.

Sinthia is having a nice conversation with the Gustavito. She's glad they're still able to be friends, and also she's nervous because instead of being a lazy, self-indulgent, idle leech and layabout, she's actually going to start being a productive member of society and earn a living she's going to work. Gustavito says encouraging things to her and we have smiles.

Sinthia and the Gustavito have a nice conversation.

A HILARIOUS exchange between Tia MentiRosa and Maria. Tia demands in a haughty tone that Maria fix her some beans right now. Maria tells her that Rohell has proclaimed that Tia eats with the servants in the kitchen. Tia is offended, proclaiming that she is NONE OTHER THAN THE TIA OF SEÑORA MONTERO!! So there! But Maria doesn't give a crap. If Tia wants someone to fetch and carry for her, she'll have to look elsewhere.

Maria's "don't give a crap" face is a wonder to behold.

Dani is speaking to Rohell about Miguel's therapy, to assist Miguel in overcoming his desire to embrace his drunken lifestyle. Dani says that shipping in the therapist to the Hacienda is just too costly but it's inconvenient to have the therapy sessions in town. Rohell insists that money is no object; what is most important is that Miguel get the help he needs. He reminds her that any cost for therapy is part of the deal he has with Cupcake. Dani thanks him and leaves, and then he gets a phone call from Effer. Effer gets him up to date with the scuffle between David and the Gustavito. When Rohell asks for Sin on the phone, Effer gleefully replies that Sin has taken off with Gustavito and told him not to follow. At this Rohell gets all vexed and tells him that you don't ask to follow someone, you just do!

Tia is kvetching to Cupcake about having to eat in the kitchen. Cupcake goes off to talk with Rohell about it. After she's gone, Bruno rolls his eyes at Tia's ranting about the darn kitchen and tells her that they have other things to worry about—like the contract. He's off to read it now.

Rohell leaves a terse message with Sin to call him back. Then he starts looking for the Gustavito's business card in his desk stuff. Consuelo comes in with some paperwork and he asks her to help him look. She wants to know what the Gustavito's last name is. He yells at her that if he knew the last name, he wouldn't need her help! He then says if she somehow threw away the card . . . and then he WHACKS his darn whip on his desk, implying that this is what he'll do to her! (But I don't think he would. Imagine him whipping sweet little Consuelito, especially for something so idiotic? I mean, Rohell is a douchebag but not that much of one!) But anyway, he's still a big DOUCHEBAG! He orders her out and poor Consuelo is so upset she's in tears.

Look at poor Consuelo cringe. Rohell, you are a DICK!!!

Cupcake hears the tail end of this and rightfully rips him a new one for being such a petulant, impatient, bullying douchebag. And I am 100% with her there. All during this scene with Consuelo, I was yelling at the screen, "ASS! ASS!" He is such a dick here. And you know how I love my Angry Man in the Black Cowboy Hat, but I call them as I see them!

Ripping him a new one.

Cupcake specifically says that here he is, treating someone else in a way to make them feel bad; she's not surprised that he's done the same with her aunt (who is like a second mother to her! *cough*) by making her eat in the kitchen. Cupcake says if he wants it that way, she'll eat in the kitchen too, with the people she really cares about.

Annoying scene with Ernesto, his snotty daughter, and Mersnotty. They are having ice cream cones. Snotty daughter can't be more hostile. She even presses (with great deliberation) her ice cream cone into Mersnotty's boob. Ernesto responds with a half-hearted protest at the little brat. FF>>

With great deliberation, she presses her ice cream cone into Mersnotty's top.

We then resume the conversation with Cupcake and Rohell. Rohell is angry, tells her that her place is by him, her husband, which means she eats with him. Cupcake replies that she's his wife for show, but she doesn't have to put up with his crap in private and tolerate him humiliating her family. Rohell tries, in a somewhat impatient, roundabout way, to clue in Cupcake about the real Tia. He hesitates before saying it, but he does spill it—she'd sell you. Cupcake of course doesn't believe it. You can see her falter for a moment, but in the end she just can't believe that Tia would do that, it's just that she's got a different perspective on life, since she's sick and doesn't want to work and has sacrificed so much to raise Cupcake and Miguel.

The picture says it all. Endless conflict with the Cupcake wears him down.

Cupcake even tells Rohell that Tia was instrumental in talking her into the marriage to Rohell, and encouraged her to forget the (supposedly dead) novio, and to make the best of the marriage. (In other words, Tia is a Rogeliana. LOL.) Rohell laughs and finds this ironic, presumably because he knows the real reasons why Tia is pushing Cupcake on him—because she sold the Cupcake! 

Maria interrupts and Rohell tells her that MentiRosa is to eat with them in the terrace after all—but he's very clear in saying it's NOT because HE wants Tia there, but only to please his wife.

Consuelo runs out (after being treated like crap by Rohell) and runs into Miguel, who is doing his carpentry work. She calls him "joven" (young man) and he says, don't call me that, I'm just Miguel! He's really quite comforting and charming when he sees how distressed she is. He apologizes for the wrist-slashing drama. She feels a lot better after this encounter. FF>>

Ernesto and Mersnotty. His daughter is a little snot. Mersnotty doesn't want him to punish her too hard, it must be difficult to accept that she's the new woman in his life. FF>>

Later that night, Effer reports to David about Sinthia's goings on. Apparently David asked Effer to rat out Sinthia to Rohell. (I think Effer would have anyway?) Effer tells David that Sin went off with the Gustavito and then asks for his payment. David complies and tells Effer to keep on reporting back.

David pays Effer to do what he'd be doing anyway—sniffing around Sinthia.

Gustavito and Sin are eating a meal at a restaurant. Gustavito is asking Sin about her "work." (Work? What is that, Sinthia?)  Gus had assumed that she'd work in Vain's office in San Gabriel but she says no, she really wants to be independent of her brother for a while. She then goes on to complain about how all Rohell's time is now devoted to his "mujercita" (little wife—she says this with great disdain). The Gustavito looks thoughtful as she says this.

Sin kvetches about Rohell's gold-digging wife "Paula" as Gustavito takes on a brooding expression.

Cupcake looks at one of the Gustavito's ID cards (a voting card) in her room. Her hand instinctively goes to her neck, as if thinking of that stupid shell necklace that the Gustavito gave her (and that Rohell ripped off her neck, yelling, "The hell with this crap!" according to English CCs). Rohell rolls in. She tells him to knock before entering.

Apparently the Gustavito is 27 years old.

He starts by saying she returned the ugly necklace last night. She replies, yeah, I wore it for going out, but if you want me to wear it all the time, well . . . He says no, he wants her to be comfortable. "Yeah" she says, "that's why you're allowing my aunt to eat out on the terrace."

Rohell: I do it all for you.
Cupcake: For me? I'd eat in the stables every day just to get away from you (she "usteds" him).
Rohell: I didn't come here to fight, on the contrary, I'm here to give you this necklace (holds up ugly necklace) and to tell you that I want you to wear it on the day that you decide it on your own. I have many months to prove that I'm changing.
Cupcake: I see no change.
Rohell: I understand that my rotten temper (mal carácter) has kept you away.
Cupcake: "Rotten temper"? I'd say you are violent.
Rohell: All right, violent! But I'm trying to control myself! (He reaches out and offers the ugly necklace to her.)
Cupcake: [Petulant schoolgirl sigh and she reaches out for the ugly necklace]
Rohell: [grabs her hand and holds it, while the ugly necklace dangles between both hands] Please, you must have a little patience with me. I'm not going to change overnight.

Hand porn.
Oh he with the pleading puppydog eyes.
. . . and she gives another impatient, petulant schoolgirl sigh.

We have a commercial break and then the credits, finally (what douchebaggery is Univsion up to, that they do this? It's not in the original episodes shown in Mexico!). Then we resume the conversation between Cupcake and Rohell.

Rohell: It hurts me profoundly that you still love your boyfriend, but when I compete, I compete in a fair manner. [I don't think the English CCs are right and my Spanish listening skills fail me—they say he competes "loyally."]
Cupcake: No, it's not a competition! And there's no way to have one.
Rohell: Well, then, let's say that I'll continue to fight, even though I'm at a disadvantage.

A pout and an eye roll.
More pleading puppydog eyes.

Cupcake: Your condition has nothing to do with me falling in love with you; it's about other things as you know perfectly well, like your douchebaggery with putting me in the middle of the Vainessa thing. (Okay she doesn't say the bit about "douchebaggery." I felt the need to add that part.)
Rohell: Those are the disadvantages I'm talking about, Paula—let me finish! I'll go all the way, but in my way and with what I've got. (Puts his hand over his heart.) Although I'm dying of jealousy, I realize that I can't continue like this. I'll show you what I can offer. When you arrived at the homestead, I asked you to help me be better, and you accepted.
Cupcake: Yes, because at the time I thought it was possible. Now I doubt it.
Rohell: Paula, I'm going to prove the fact that I'm a better person, thanks to you. If you want to test my strength of will, go ahead. You'll realize that I'm capable of it, just because of the love I have for you. (Extra heavy duty puppydog eye action going on here.)

The old turd is sincerely pouring out his heart to her.
But she's still skeptical.

We cut to David's office. David is ripping Vainessa a new one because she didn't tell him that Sin has a thing for the Gustavito, that jerk who cost him millions. Vain replies that Gustavito was over at her place to talk business. David's astonished that Gustavito is working for her. She explains that she wants the Gustavito to be an assessor of all the things that she and David build together. She gives him a challenging look. You see an impactado "busted!" look on David's face.

Rohell and Maria. Maria asks him if he talked to the Cupcake. He says he did, but he didn't spill all the stuff about Tia, in part because he didn't want to hurt the Cupcake, and in part because he doesn't want her to know that he was the one buying what Tia was selling (he actually says he doesn't want Cupcake to know all the things he and Tia talked about before the wedding). Maria says that the stuff about the contract was very bad. This starts Rohell on a rant. He says the contract thing wasn't bad, and now Cupcake's his wife and he's determined to win her over, despite him being a cripple, despite all the other crap he's dealing with, the feeling of "impotence" (powerlessness is I think what he means here) with his dealings with Vainessa, and so forth.

"Paula will end up falling in love with me, punto!"(period.) (Again, where is this super-hyper confidence coming from, Rohell? I thought you were always so hang-dog about your pathetic crippled self.) Maria yells back that he's so resolved and decided, but he needs to control his temper, because that's the part that bothers Cupcake the most. Rohell concedes this, but also says that Cupcake still thinks that he's into her due to a whim, and that he views her as a challenge. "Isn't that the case?" Maria asks back. "No!" he replies, but then admits that it was in part that, and that he doesn't care how hard it is, he WILL get Cupcake to love him! "That's not love!" Maria fires back. He says that it's love and pride. "That kind of pride will make you lose!" Maria tells him. He gets more agitated and retorts that basically pride is the only thing that keeps him going on, even though he's in the darn chair and even though Cupcake's constant harping on what a douche he is makes it hard to bear. At this the conversation seems to have ended; Maria gives a slight sympathetic smile and Rohell looks agitated and brooding.

If it weren't for his pride, he probably wouldn't even bother getting up in the morning.

We cut to Cupcake talking to Tia MentiRosa. She's recounting the conversation with Rohell, say that she told him that she couldn't ever love him, but she's hoping that his vow to improve will happen, for the sake of everyone around him. Tia starts harping on the eating in the kitchen thing, thanking for sticking up for her and referring to Maria as "that servant." Cupcake says that Tia's got to get along with Maria, because she's like a second mother to Rohell.  Tia agrees to this, and then urges Cupcake to try to get along better with Rohell. Cupcake balks at this, because she can't trust him anymore. During this conversation Bruno comes in, with news on the contract.

Basically he covers the stuff we already knew (because Rohell told Cupcake about it many episodes ago). For every day that she fails to live up to her part of the contract, 10 days is added to her sentence—err, to the length of the contract. Even though Cupcake KNOWS about this (because Rohell TOLD her!) she shrieks "No puede ser!" as if she'd never heard of it before.  She complains that she'll have to stay another six months because of this. (I'm not sure of the math here. Does that mean that along with whatever time she'd had left to do, plus an extra XX days as a penalty for the time she escaped into the Gustavito's arms, all add up to a total of six more months? Or is the six months just the penalty for the time she escaped? I think it must be the former, but one tenth of 6 months is how long? A few weeks? So maybe it is an extra six months for just the escape time. Moving on . . . )

Then Bruno says there's another clause in the contract, something about how Rohell can extend the length of the contract if desired, as long as he doubles her salary for the extra time. This really gets the outraged shrieking started, while Tia turns away and looks secretly delighted.

Since apparently she is unable to bother to read the contract, Bruno does it for her and reports back.

"No puede ser!" David utters. Why did she choose the Gustavito, of all people? Vainessa replies that Gustavito has proven to be on top of David's douchebaggery, and she wants him to keep doing that. David protests and gripes, but Vainessa (who seems to be quite savvy here) says that if he doesn't want Gustavito reviewing things, then they don't even have to do business and she won't be buying the land at all.

"Es el colmo!" (It's the limit, aka it's too much.) Cupcake barges into Rohell's office again, to rip him a new one again. He actually says with great weariness, "What have I done this time?" She kvetches about the extra time in bondage to him added to the contract. She accuses him of "tricking" her. He tells her wait a minute, he TOLD her that for every day she was gone, extra days would be added to the contract. (And he did. Before she took off, he did. I recapped that episode! She can't say she wasn't warned!) Yeah yeah she knows that, but she didn't know the part about him being able to prolong the contract at will. This just makes her hate him more, she says. Impactado look from Rohell.

David protests some more about having Gustavito on board, but it's no good. Vainessa is actually really smart here. Take my deal or leave it, she says, and slinks out of the room. David has a little snit about that darn Gustavo.

Rohell replies that the Cupake doesn't really hate him, she's just annoyed because she was too much of a dipsh*t and lamebrain to read the darn contract before signing it. (Only he uses nicer words than that.) She complains that it was in the hospital and she had no mind for such things. (How is that his fault?) He tells her, business is business, blah blah, you were given the contract before and wouldn't read it, tore it up, etc. But of course she still bitches at him. He then challenges her: This started out as a business arrangement. We know what she got (his big bucks that helped her loserific brother) but what does he get out of the deal? Her constant bad moods, bitching at him constantly, ripping him a new one all the time? She then replies (in her bad mood) that okay, he tricked her, and bought her for a year, no more. He again reminds her that this extra time wouldn't have been added to her contract had she not escaped (and she DID know about that beforehand!). She replies that she assumed that he wouldn't catch her and drag her back to comply with the rest of the contract. Then she bitches again about the added time that he can tack onto the contract at will. He says yes, at double the salary, or triple, or whatever, if I need it! She says okay, if he's going to keep her against her will, there will be consequences. She'll follow the contract to the letter, she'll put on a good face in front of others, but when they're by themselves, don't expect her to put up with him or get along with him, let alone trust him again. He says don't make this more difficult, but no, she's in a snit. She tells him he can't buy her love. She huffs out of the room. He has a bittersweet smile on his face and says to himself, "No hace falta" which means "not necessary." (I had trouble understanding this one.) I think he means, he knows he can't buy her love, but he'll fight for it.

Rohell's bittersweet smile. (I had to swipe this screenshot from a downloaded episode, because Univision slapped some crap ad all over the bottom section of the screen.)

Bruno and Tia plotting: Tia thinks it's great that the Cupcake will have to stay longer; that means there's a better chance she'll fall for Rohell. Bruno disagrees, he wants to use the hate she feels for the old turd to . . . and then M-grito interrupts. Cupcake and Dani are there too; Dani hands Bruno some document she was working on and they both walk off, leaving Cupcake to talk with Tia. Cupcake, in her continual bad mood, bitches to Tia about that douchebag Rohell and how the contract forces her to stay longer. She then whines that the longer she's stuck here, the lesser chance she has of getting back with the Gustavito. Bruno (actually quite wisely) says that the one who truly loves will wait. Which is true—if the Gustavito weren't such a self-righteous little . . . (rhymes with "stick") he wouldn't have dumped Cupcake so summarily (especially right after deflowering her; I'm sorry that just seems idiotic for him to believe she's a gold digger if she waits to give up her virginity to him, instead of one of the rich dudes she supposedly was out to entrap).

Okay, moving on. Anyway, Bruno points out that if the Gustavito really loved her, he'd wait, but Tia points out that since they're broken up, why should he? Cupcake agrees; it's not fair to expect the Gustavito to wait. M-grito pipes up that maybe it's good to try to get along better with Rohell, then. Cupcake self-righteously says that no way, that's just what that douchebag wants, and she's not going to compromise herself anymore. Then M-grito wonders if, when he took the bribe of candies from Rohell, if he compromised himself (even though he assures her he didn't give anything away). (Like good job putting more guilt and pressure on the kid, as well as poisoning him against a man who may be a blood relation and who is still willing to adopt him!) Cupcake is outraged that Rohell gave M-grito candies, and commences to bitch more about him and how she can't trust him.

Constantly harping on what a douchebag Rohell is.

Cut to Rohell complaining to Maria. Boy, the sh*t hit the fan when he gave Cupcake the contract. Maria thinks that maybe he shouldn't have shown it to her. Then they move on to talking about the abundance of "Gustavitos" complicating his life. He wishes that Cupcake would forget about her Gustavito. But Maria reminds Rohell that he liked the engineer Gustavito as a possible beau for Sinthia. But Rohell is kvetching because he doesn't think Sinthia is doing things right; he doesn't like her sneaking around behind his back (you mean, not being constantly under your thumb, don't you Rohell?), and he doesn't like anyone taking advantage of his sister. Then Rohell wants Maria to leave; he wants to make a phone call. If Paula will only be nice to him at social events, fine, that's what they'll do.

Vain and Sin talking: First they talk about Sin getting to know the Gustavito better, then they talk about how David freaked out with jealousy. Vain asks Sin if she's completely discarded David as a possibility. Sin smirks and says that she likes to have a guy on the back burner (so to speak) and who knows, he might prove useful someday. Speak of the devil, David arrives just then. Sin assumes he's out to hassle her, but instead he wants to talk business with Vainessa.

A completely boring conversation between Mersnotty and the Gustavito about her troubles with Ernesto's snotty daughter. Ernesto comes in and Gustavito takes off. Ernesto says he wants to marry her, as soon as possible. FF >>

A continuation of the conversation between Sin, David and Vainessa. Vain wants to make sure that David can separate business from personal (meaning, his personal feelings for Sin). David reminds them that this whole business deal stems from the personal—their shared desire to get revenge on Rohell. Bruno wants to get his lands back from Rohell, Sin wants to get out from underneath Rohell's thumb, Vain wants revenge for Rohell's spurning her—but what is David's reason for revenge? David just says he has his "reasons," which are the big bucks he lost with Boring del Cielo.

It's nighttime at the hacienda and Rohell wants to do the social event (so that Cupcake will be forced to be nice to him!). They're talking in her room, but she says she can't go, because she's "sick." He moves in to feel her pulse and her forehead. She doesn't seem to have a fever. Then she admits that she's just sick of him and his lies and douchebaggery.

He checks her temperature as she rolls her eyes impatiently.

He says fine, but tomorrow he's having Mr. Abel over for dinner and he expects her to be the lovely wife and even prepare something nice, like a pie. Then he leaves, with that sad puppydog look on his face. Cupcake sighs sadly.

More with David, Vainessa and Sin kvetching about how Rohell did them wrong. Vainessa tells David that he's got to accept the Gustavito. Okay fine, but he needs capital to pay back Rohell on a loan. Vainessa is not so sure. But David urges her, saying he's got a plan to ruin Rohell. She says okay and she'll buy the land. David adds that he's also got a plan to make Cupcake miserable! Sneaky smiles all around.

Consuelo brings in food for Rohell. (I was hoping he'd apologize for earlier being a douche to her, but no.) He says he doesn't want to eat and asks her to take it away. 

David, Sin and Vain are drinking a toast to making Rohell and Cupcake miserable, and Sin gets a call from Rohell. She tells them she hasn't answered him all day. David urges her to answer. He immediately starts in on her, wants her to come home, says she's not behaving properly. He doesn't want her sniffing around guys who have already given her the heave-ho. (Meaning, Gustavito.) Sin says no way is she going home, she's staying here and working! Rohell is doubtful—how can she work when she doesn't know how to do anything? (LOL. He's right.) She says she'll prove it to him and she won't be stuck by his side forever. She hangs up on him, which apparently was a big breakthrough, as she seems amazed she had the nerve to do it.

Tia and Bruno looking over the contract. There's another clause in there about how Tia can sign off and agree that Cupcake can work longer; that Tia will be Cupcake's "legal representative." But it's not really useful unless Cupcake authorizes Tia to be able to do that. (Sort of like a power of attorney?) Tia gets an extremely greedy look on her face, all gleeful at this possibility. She asks Bruno to help her get this legal power. He gives one of his trademark sneaky smirks in return.

Plotting over the contract.

Back at Vain's house, the evil trio are still gloating over their plans as Effer comes in. Rohell called him and demands that Sin be taken back to the Hacienda right away. He'll go and get her luggage. Sin finishes her drink defiantly and laughs.

Maria brings in Rohell's dinner to his office. She knows he's in a bad mood. He replies that he never should have left Sin in Tuxtla. The phone rings, Effer is reporting that Sin has gotten really "brave" and won't go back. Rohell mutters under his breath that he has to do everything himself.

It's morning, we're still in Rohell's office. He has business to conduct with Mr. Abel, but after that he's going to Tuxtla to drag Sin back on her sorry ass. Okay he didn't say that last part. Hugo comes in to announce that David is there.

When David comes in, Rohell asks about the tussle with the Gustavito. David starts in about how he doesn't like seeing Gustavito with Sin, bitch bitch bitch. Rohell doesn't want David to worry about her; now what does David want? Rohell is still assuming that he'll get to buy Boring del Cielo. But David has a check to start paying back the loan. Rohell says that David could have paid with the land at Boring del Cielo, like they talked about before. Rohell has ideas for that land. Then David drops the bombshell—the lands are already sold!

David has come to start repaying on the loan.

Impactado Rohell at the news that David sold the land to someone else.

At Esteban's office, Gustavito is telling him how he almost had this fight with David, but Sin intervened. Esteban is all, Sin is into you, bro! But ever-boring Gustavito wants to take it slow. They discuss how this love triangle (well, love square, but no one knows that yet) will complicate things. Esteban encourages the Gustavito to get back with Sin. FF>>

More with David and Rohell in his office. Rohell is astonished that David would do this, he knew that Rohell was interested in the land. David replied that he got a higher bidder. Rohell calls BS on this; had price been an issue, David could have easily contacted Rohell and they could have negotiated. Rohell sees this as a tactic to tick him off, because he bailed on the construction deal and he's not backing up David's attempt to woo Sinthia. David says, "business is business" and reminds Rohell that since they're not best buds anymore, David sees no reason to give him extra consideration. Rohell kvetches that he should have expected as much. David replies: "Well, you're no saint, remember that you asked me to claim that that Miguel stole that truck so you could screw him over!" OUCH THE TRUTH HURTS, DOESN'T IT, ROHELL?!?!? David continues: "What would your wife think if she found out?" A restrained, tight look from Rohell and the episode is finally OVER!!!

David reminds Rohell of his douchebaggery in messing things up for Miguel.

AVANCES: The federales (federal police) are at the hacienda! Impactado look from Rohell. Something about how Rohell could go to jail. Tearful look from Cupcake. Sneaky look on Bruno.

From Avances: Federales? Here?

Something's going down that's got the Cupcake's frosting mussed.


Una Familia Con Suerte #161-162 Tue 3/13/12 How hangdog can one guy get?

Pancho has the same look of aggrieved culpability through the whole first 40 minutes (which is the amount I, Melinama, blogged for Ezra). Here's my contribution:

Pina: amazed to be invited to Candy's wedding. Think: the cause of our divorce, that slut, is marrying a gangster! Veens tries to get her to feel sorry, but she can't manage it. She's looking forward to wearing a spectacular "outfit" to the wedding.

Lidia: wrapped in gray saran wrap. Kisses Enzo at work.

The little guy who's always looking for Arnold is - still looking for Arnold.

Candy tells Chela: I'm pretending to be happy and won over - I'm using my charms to lull Napoleon - but then - uh, no plan yet.

Pancho, who was the stupidest slowest runner-to-the-airport ever, sobs on the sidewalk. He at least realizes it's all his fault. Chacho agrees. And then, he hurt Chela...

Chela begs Napoleon to treat Candy well. No problem, he rumbles in his manly basso: since he's planning to have her bear many of his children, he will treat her like a queen. Chela leaves with all Candy's greetings for the family. Napoleon smugly tells his bride he's invited all los Irabien (including el nenenenene and the dog) to the wedding.

Lidia has a new apartment where she and Enzo can spend a lot of time together, especially the nights. He's absolutely into it, no doubt. They try it out right away.

Chela comes home, everybody is staring at her pityingly. Then they say blah blah we love you, count on us. Boo-hoo.

... and NOW, after 20 minutes of the show, we have the opening credits? Univision is so confused!

Chacho says La Burro decided not to start to punish Pancho for playing with people's feelings. As proof, now it starts just fine, proving that it's on Chela's side.

The little guy looking for Arnold finally finds him and won't let him ooze away. Arnold says he isn't gay. The little guy is not impactado. "You promised long ago you'd go out with me [in return for doing some creepy thing, I've forgotten what) and now you have to come through." No matter how low Arnold makes his voice, the guy won't let him off the, uh, hook. 8 pm, my house, it's a date!

Pancho comes home to a very chilly reception. All the kids want an explanation for his bad behavior. His explanations sound very lame even to him. Not only has he broken Chela's heart, he wrecked her chances with Enzo. Back against the wall, Pancho has the gall to blame all of them - because they pushed him so hard into Chela's arms.

Karin comes to see Pina at work. Pina invites this genetically approved blonde-and-blue-eyed high-social-status candidate for Freddy to come to dinner, dressed like a princess in designer duds. Arnold checks out her butt on the way out.

Vince is a wreck, yells at Enzo and tells about the upcoming wedding. All Enzo can say is, don't mess with this gangster. Forget Candy! Besides, you seem to be doing awfully well with your actual wife (ex-wife) Pina. What's up with that? Vince whines: Routine killed his marriage. Now that it isn't routine, he's interested.

Napoleon chose and bought Candy's wedding dress without even measuring her. He knows she's not that into him but doesn't seem to mind. He woos her with servants and fine things and after a long list of wonderful stuff he'll give Candy, she seems genuinely enthused and gives him a real kiss! Or was it?

There's something going on with some middle-aged secretary but I haven't grasped it. Oh, she lost the money for some party or something.

Over to you, Ezra!

Napoleon looks like someone you'd see sitting on a park bench feeding birds, not a genuine gangster type. Anyway, he catches Candi calling Vins and threatens to kill him.

Chela is disconsolate, she doesn't know what she'll do... But then she gets an idea: "I will go and sell Avon products." That'll cheer her up.

Pancho and Chacho have a little chat, but Chacho goes off to see Sandrucha, leaving Pancho alone in Rebe's office to kiss her chair and continue the evening's moping. Then he changes scene and sits in la Burra, moping and sobbing ... Chela wanders by on her way to try crawling back to Enzo. Enzo, however, is already making out with Mike's assistant. Chela's response is predictable.

Pancho is a baby about the needle for the blood test to see if Fers is his mom. (This time the samples will be sent to the United States.) Later, he regales Doc Oc with tales of his childhood, including some info about his dad, who died of autoimmune disorder.

Now, after a little obnoxious bit with Temo and two girls pledging eternal friendship, we get more of Pancho's moping. He takes out a framed picture of him and Rebeka in bed, and my mom wondered who took the picture. A good question.

Arnold still has his little problem with Raymundo. He's bugging Pina about it. I'm still amused that everyone on this show has the same ringtone.

Arnold runs into... the woman who fired him! They have a little tiff with those two and Ray, where she yells "he can't be yours, because he's NOT GAY!" Nonetheless, nothing really comes out of this encounter. She has a well-engineered brassiere. You have to have an MIT PhD to design those things.

Pina tries yet again to break up Ana and Fred with a petty scheme - she has Karen come and surprise-smooch Fred while Ana looks on. Ana falls for it a second time! Then reluctantly accepts Fred's explanation that it was just his manipulative mother. Still, she storms off a bit grumpy. Vins comes home to a huge fight, self-administers a dose of whiskey, and attempts to mediate. Fred accuses Pina of acting like a Novela villainess. lol.

Big surpri! Rebe didn't go to Miami, as she tells Fers. She had a moment of complete lucidity, and realized that she couldn't do it. She couldn't do it because it would be betraying herself, not because she loves Pancho but because she doesn't love Mike. She still hates Pancho, but she's going back to work at Avon. Phew, I bet the crew for the show is glad to not have to haul out the Miami set.


Abismo de pasión #1 3/12/12 And the story begins... with tween love triangles, mistaken identities, witches and habaneros

Recap by Marta Ivett - Let's plunge right in!!

Here we go…
La Ermita, Yucatan… some kind of cultural celebration taking place at the center gazebo with music… very colorful typical outfits for the area… everyone happy…
Artisan stands, food, etc
Then we see fields of habanero chiles… two boys and a girl, about 10 y.o. running through the fields while the adults pick the chiles…
They run and run right down a dirt road where they meet another girl, the boys run right by her, but Elisa (the young girl) stops for a minute before continuing… The other girl, Paloma, comes to where they are taking their clothes off (no, don’t think perverted things) to jump into a pond/quarry… the boys throw stones/sticks at Paloma so she runs away scared, Elisa is mad at the boys… the ‘guero’ of the boys tells her they did it because she is the granddaughter of the town’s witch… Elisa says maybe now she will tell her grandma and she will turn them (the boys) into toads!! LOL!
The boys get scared and jump in the water… Elisa laughs it off…
At the Arango hacienda house a woman is trying on dresses in front of a mirror, asking the maid (Antonia) if her son is around… The woman (Alfonsina) is talking ill of the other boy, Gael, does not understand why her son has become friends with Gael and why her own brother has taken Gael, who is an ordinary orphan, in. (Padre Lupe)… the maid justifies Padre Lupe, but the woman, bitter, says Padre should not. She is angry that her husband agreed to have them go to another family’s dinner party… Maid asks her if she does not want to go. Alfonsina says if I don’t go my husband will love going alone, and that is not something she will allow.
At the chile processing plant… the foreman (Gabino) is ordering/shouting around downtalking the workers… he goes in the office, finds his boss Rosendo, the plant owner, doing hanky panky with a woman in a white dress, he interrupts of course…  Gabino seems miffed about it but stays quiet… he tells Rosendo that his wife (Alfonsina) was looking for him. No, she was not here but she asked for you. Rosendo sends message to her that when he is done (working) he will go…
Back at the house, Antonia comments that Dona Estefania is pretty, Alfonsina downplays it that that is what everyone says but… ..
Said pretty (and happy) woman Estefania (Ludwika Paleta, looking prettier than ever) is walking around town (apparently with the same white dress of the woman that was just at Rosendo’s office at the plant)… meets with her maid Lolita [Dolores] (Eugenia Cauduro)… Estefania came to the plant to personally pick the chiles for a sauce she will make tonight for the dinner party.  Gabino comes to meet them and is talking rude to Estefania, saying he is surprised she came by the plant… knowing her husband himself is the one that farms them in the area. Apparently this is not the first time Lolita has or witnesses a confrontation with Gabino since she uses a rough/sharp tone to tell him that Dona Estefania wanted the habaneros for making a special sauce for tonight’s dinner precisely for Dona Alfonsina. Gabino claims if they had requested it, he would have sent them with a worker. Estefania insists she wanted to pick them personally.
Gabino apparently has the hots for Estefania from the way he looks at her as she leaves.
At the farm, Rosendo Arango (the owner of the processing plant) and Augusto Castanedo (Estefania’s husband, the owner of the farm), apparently these two have been friends for many years… Augusto reminds Rosendo about the dinner party tonight… Rosendo wants to talk about something personal.. they have always been honest with each other… apparently Alfonsina has always had issue with Estefania, so Rosendo asks Augusto if the dinner party will serve to cool things out between the women. Augusto says Estefania has always been in the best disposition to conciliate… Rosendo says yes, your wife is, but mine… anyway… we will be there.
At the Castanedo house, the dinner prep is going in the kitchen. Estefania and Lolita are working when little Elisa walks in… Elisa asks her mother if she can invite Damian (Rosendo’s son) and Gael (the orphan who lives with Padre Lupe). Estefania sends Elisa with Lolita to get her bath… Elisa wants her mom to also be very pretty tonight.
Estefania goes in her room and pulls out a very pretty dress from her closet… (apparently she is wearing the white dress of the woman that was with Rosendo)… In walks her sister Carmina, who apparently envies what Estefania has as far as money and attention from her husband… then Carmina brings up the subject of the guests for tonight, Rosendo and his wife Alfonsina, who seems to be the royalty in town, or at least they behave like it, especially Alfonsina. Estefania says Alfonsina is the wife of my husband’s best friend so that is enough reason to be cordial with them.  They then talk about the men in town going after Carmina… Carmina says the ‘good catches’ are taken already… Estefania gives Carmina a dress for the evening party she bought for her. Carmina hugs her but when we see Carmina’s face she looks like she really hates the dress and/or looks constipated…
At the church, Padre Lupe does not want to give Gael permission to go to the dinner, even if Elisa has invited him. It is an adult gathering, not for kids, according to P Lupe. Gael pulls the ‘but Damian got permission from his parents, it is unfair that I don’t get it’ card.. Padre knows that Gael is crazy about Elisa and does not think Gael is old enough to be that nutso for a girl… Padre knows both Damian and Gaellike her. So no cigar…
(Apparently Rene C had a minor accident while closing the armoire in there,… Gael asks if he hurt himself, Padre Lupe says it did not hurt, he is atomic), Padre says he doubts his sister Alfonsina will give Damian permission to go to the party either.
At hacienda Arango… Alfonsina does not want Damian to come along… even if all the kids of the Ermita were going, you are not! … here comes Rosendo to the rescue… he lets Damian go to the party…  Damian walks away and Alfonsina is ready for battle… she is offended that Rosendo contradicted her, but even more so because he will take Damian precisely to that house (Rosendo immediately guesses where this argument is going) Rosendo does not want to argue… he will go shower, Alfonsina says its too late for that… he came home from the processing plant so late… she questions what he was doing there… Rosendo says same as I always do… work. Alfonsina is not done provoking an argument. She says she heard Estefania went to the plant today… did you see her? Nope. Haven’t seen her all day. Excuse me, will go get ready before it gets even later.
At Castanedo house, Augusto is calling for Estefania but Carmina comes and tells him Este is busy and she helps him with tying his tie… Augusto thanks her for staying for the dinner, Carmina says she would do anything for him, dear bro in law. Augusto compliments on her looks. Carmina  does not waste a chance to keep feeding the fire with the idea that there is something between Estefania and Rosendo, saying Estefania took time to make herself prettier than ever for his best friend, and of course for his wife.
Augusto goes to find Estefania… Este and Elisa are setting up the table… Augusto thinks both the daughter and the wife are looking beautiful… he tells Este her sister was right, she looks even prettier than ever… she also made her special habanero sauce… she tells him she went to Rosendo’s plant to pick them herself, since he told her that at Cielo Abierto (I guess that is a store place in the farm or the name of the farm) the trucks had already left… Augusto is surprised/confused, does not remember telling her that. She brushes it off saying surely she heard it from one of the farm workers.
The Arango’s arrive… the four of them stare at each other, Estefania and Rosendo are smiling happy, Alfonsina looks like she is constipated, Augusto looks contempt. The children (Damian and Elisa) greet each other’s families… we see the usual forced (Alfonsina) and unforced greetings. Carmina comes out… Estefania sends the kids out to play. The adults walk ahead to in the house, Carmina looks a bit annoyed…
At church, Padre Lupe realizes Gael is gone, and guesses where he went to.. he is not happy ‘canijo’(naughty) boy, you will see later… as if you could do what you want…
Estefania stands to serve wine, Rosendo offers to help her… Carmina teases Alfonsina saying her husband is so detail-oriented… Alfonsina gets up with excuse to tell Damian to wash his hands before donner… Augusto has come out to get the kids… The boys have climbed a tree to find a nest that Elisa spotted earlier… (Gael arrived running and when he heard Elisa wanted a nest that was on the tree, he offered to bring it down for her, definitely these two boys have already entered a competition for Elisa’s attention)
Alfonsina comes out after Augusto and begins nagging at Damian to come down from the tree. Augusto summons the kids (including Gael, whom he does NOT undermine) to go inside to eat dinner… Alfonsina claims it must have been Gael’s idea for the boys to climb the tree, Augusto is surprised at her accussing attitude… Alfonsina continues argues questioning Augusto why he gives Gael the same treatment as Damian… Augusto says because he is also my daughter’s friend…Alfonsina claims Gael does not deserve the same treatment as her son (Damian). Augusto gets a bit miffed at her and questions since when is she so against that boy Gael… since tonight, right? Tonight when you were FORCED to come to my house for dinner? He knows she did not want to come and he knows it is because Alfonsina can’t stand his wife Este… what is it you have against my wife?... Since her denying it won’t get her anywhere, she says alright, will tell you why… because she is betraying you with none other than my own husband! Rosendo and her are lovers!...  Augusto’s eyes tear up almost instantly, he is in shock… Alfonsina won’t let him recover… she says from his reaction she can tell he knew it or at least knew something was not quite right… he is hurting really bad and denies it as absurd, silly… Alfonsina has no doubts that Rosendo is betraying her precisely with Este. Augusto demands proof.. .she has none… Don’t you see how Rosendo treats Este? Augusto claims Este loves him. Alfonsina says she won’t lose Rosendo, will keep him with her at whatever cost. Augusto seems confused but finds strength to say that he does not need to ‘retain’ his wife because he is sure of her love and because I love her! (Augusto returns inside the house while Alfonsina rolls her eyes and stays there)..
Inside, Este and Rosendo talk very cordially about the business in front of a very annoyed Carmina… Rosendo says Augusto has the town’s prettiest women in his house.  Este notices Carmina’s attitude and tells her Rosendo just complimented the two of them… Carmina says she does not have to fake flattery at the compliments of a person she can’t stand… She takes her exit…
Este tries to appologize for Carmina.. she is glad he is there… Rosendo is kissing her hand just as Augusto and Alfonsina come back in the living room… Augusto stops in his tracks while Alfonsina looks at him with a ‘see?? I told you so!’ facial smirk…
Padre Lupe arrives at the house looking for Gael. Carmina meets him at the door walks him in, right where the other 4 are sitting… Augusto invites Padre Lupe to stay for dinner, but he came just to get Gael… As Este takes Padre Lupe to kitchen,  Alfonsina again nags… this time about Padre Lupe not greeting her personally. Rosendo snags at her that Padre said ‘Good evening everyone’. But obviously that was not enough for her.
In kitchen, Lolita is serving the kids desert… but Padre comes in and takes Gael immediately with him, appologizing for the ‘trouble’… Elisa asks Padre Lupe not to punish Gael… she invited him… Padre claims he did not give Gael permission and he knew it.Gael looks so sad…
Este asks Lolita to warm up dinner for the adults… Elisa comments to Damian wondering if Padre Lupe will punish Gael.. Damian is a bit rough saying if he does, then Gael asked for it, why did he come (without permission)?
When Este returns to living room, turns out Alfonsina has put a script of ‘not feeling well’ so she immediately summons Rosendo and Damian for going home immediately. Rosendo appologizes to Este for leaving like this with the dinner served…
When the Arangos leave, Carmina makes a cold comment about the attempt to conciliate the families with this evening was in vain.
At church, Padre is mad at Gael… Gael says you should punish yourself too, because you lied to me too, you said Damian would not get permission to go, but he was there.
Padre says perhaps his parents did not have anyone to leave him with. Gael then gets sad reminding Padre he has no parents… Padre gets mushy as a marshmallow. Gael is resentful that everyone has family around except for him, even Padre has his sister and even the town witch has her granddaughter, but I don’t have anyone..Padre reminds him he has Padre, God and the Virgin Mary. Don’t cry anyore! You either!... I am not! (SWEET SCENE!) For this time I will forget what happened and there will be no punishment. Gael is about to go to sleep but turns back around and appologizes to the Padre and hugs him. Padre gives him the blessing…
At Castanedo house Elisa is in bed with her mom.. Elisa mentions to her what the boys did to Paloma, and asks about the ‘witch of the town’. Este explains that Ramona (the witch) is a ‘curandera’ (herb healer). Elisa says then if that woman helps cure people, then she is not bad. Este confirms that Ramona and her granddaughter are not bad.. Elisa says the towns people talk bad about them. Este says people make up things about other people… These two are so happy together…
At Arango hacienda, Rosendo is irate at Alfonsina… he is sure she used her ‘blood pressure’ as excuse to pull off that prank… Alfonsina keeps shouting that Estefania is driving him crazy and he feels nothing for Alfonsina anymore.. Rosendo is feeling pity that Alfonsina thinks so little of herself… HE is so fed up with her that he grabs his PJs and goes to sleep at the guest room.. out in hallway he runs into Damian who got concerned with all the ruckus… Rosendo says she is fine, she does not feel well today, that’s all… tomorrow we will go riding together ok?
Damian comes by the door of his parents and sees her mother cry, but does not go in …

At the Castanedo house bedroom, Este and Augusto are talking about what happened with Alfonsina and that Rosendo did not believe her… Augusto is distant, thoughtful… then he asks Este if she ever regretted marrying him… absolutely not… she always liked the mature men… she says she only liked him… Augusto insists wouldn’t you have liked better to marry a man like Rosendo Arango, a rich man, owner of the biggest processing plant in the region, an enviable wealth and social place… I am just a farmer… doing well but will never reach Rosendo.  Este assures Augusto she married him because she loves him very much, now more than ever… She asks why all the questioning… Augusto says don’t worry.. she won’t let it go.. she knows him… he claims when he came out to the garden, he was talking with Alfonsina and… (in comes Elisa to interrupt the chat)… The couple kisses Elisa good nite…  Augusto says he has to go to the study to look at some papers… (apparently he changed his mind about telling her about Alfonsina’s accusations)…
Augusto sits at his desk … is very impacted by the events of the evening… then hears noises.. he comes out and sees a man ride away on a horse, recognizes Rosendo.. Then he runs into Carmina coming in… he confronts her… Carmina says she heard noises and came out to investigate… she realizes Augusto is worried about something… he has been acting strange since the guests left… she wants him to confide in her… HE tells her Alfonsina told him Rosendo and Este were lovers… Carmina puts shocked face… she asks him not to mention anything to her sister, it is too silly, says Alfo is a sick woman… can’t believe her… did you believe her? … no, but the comment bothered me very much…  I have no reason to doubt your sister… no of course not, but I do know you are a very jealous man, and if the idea did cross your mind that she was betraying you you would go insane. What would you do? … I would kill her, her and the man who she was unfaithful to me with…
At town next day, Damian and Elisa are playing, Gael comes by with the nest and the birds in a box… he climbed the tree and got it for her… she just wanted to see them for a little while… what are we going to do now? … the mother won’t find them.. Damian blames Gael that the birds will die now… Elisa suggests going to Dona Ramona so she will care for them… ‘the witch?? ‘…
At church, Alfonsina and Padre Lupe are talking about her accusations to Este…  Padre asks her why is she thinking that.. Alfo says we women know when our husbands are unfaithful… Padre tells her it is a good part your own fault… I think all this is just a story you made up to justify your own faults…  Alfonsina claims she has just tried to be a good wife… Padre says a good wife does not accuse, harrass and monitor her husband constantly… Alfo claims her own brother should be on her side… Padre says his role is not being on any side, precisely because I am your brother I will tell you… Rosendo is no saint, but if he is looking elsewhere, it is looking for something he does not  find in his own house.
Rosendo arrives somewhere…  apparently some house… . a woman is waiting for him.. it is Carmina! … apparently he has this place for his periodic meetings with her…
They get into hanky panky… end of ep…

previews: Carmina continues to feed the case for Este and Rosendo lovers to Augusto... Augusto confronts Este...


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